Our history
The Reformed Church Tshwane began in 2005 as a small English language worship service overseen by the elders of the Gereformeerde Kerk Rietvallei (GKR). GKR is a predominantly Afrikaans language speaking Reformed Church. They recognised the need for God’s Word to be proclaimed and taught also in the English language if the Gospel was to be made accessible to more people living in and around Pretoria. Increasingly, the City of Tshwane is becoming much more multi-cultural and many people who do not speak Afrikaans are also living in this city. In the wider South Africa, English is also generally growing in popularity as the lingua franca. As a result, GKR wanted to make sure that the Reformed Christian faith was also being taught in English as well as Afrikaans.

Since June 2005, by God’s grace, the number of individuals attending the worship service has steadily increased. Under the leadership of Reverend Arthur Miskin, the English language worship service grew to such an extent that the Reformed Church Tshwane was constituted as a self-governing church on 28 July 2019. This means that we are no longer a ward of GKR. We have a sufficient number of elders to oversee the ministry and deacons to help lead us in fellowship.
Having become a self governing Reformed Church on 28 July, we immediately called our first minister, JC Potgieter. He was ordained as a minister of the Word in the Reformed Church Tshwane on Sunday 29 September 2019.