Recent sermons

A snapshot of the Messiah

January 29, 2023
Theme: The LORD saves a sinful people for the purpose of fellowship; serve him with joy.
Theme: The LORD is King, he rules over all; serve him with joy and thanksgiving
Theme: The LORD gives good gifts to his people, trust him with your future

The request for a king

January 8, 2023
Theme: The LORD is King, he is good for his people; trust him and seek his kingdom

A new old command

January 1, 2023

Theme: The LORD is the help and shield of his people, trust him and seek his kingdom “The adversaries of the LORD shall be broken to pieces; against them he…

None holy like the LORD

December 11, 2022
Theme: The LORD is holy, there is no one like him; honour him and submit to his will When the camp is to set out, Aaron and his sons shall…

Captured ark, departed glory

December 4, 2022
Theme: The sovereign LORD will not be manipulated; he is God we must listen to him

The LORD calls a prophet

November 27, 2022
Theme: The LORD graciously reveals himself to sinful people; be attentive to his Word

The rot at the tabernacle

November 20, 2022
Theme: The LORD guards the feet of his faithful ones but cuts off the wicked in darkness; honour him with your priestly service
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