Theme: The LORD guards the feet of his faithful ones but cuts off the wicked in darkness; honour him with your priestly service
Theme: The curse of sin will be reversed by God’s King; honour the LORD with the vows you make
Theme: LORD of hosts sees the affliction of his people and remembers his promises, trust him in your suffering
Theme: Jesus Christ is all powerful; he will raise you from the dead, he will help you as you follow him
Theme: Jesus Christ is the glorious Son, we are right to listen to him
Theme: Jesus Christ keeps his people through the warnings of Scripture, beware the allure of the world
Theme: The Holy Spirit is true and eternal God, worship him and do what he says Belgic Confession Article 11 Biblical evidence for the deity of the Holy Spirit Divine…
Theme: Jesus Christ is true and eternal God, worship and adore him Belgic Confession Article 10 Biblical evidence to confirm the deity of Jesus Christ: Divine names: He is called…
Theme: The triune God confirms and testifies to his nature in Scripture, history and our hearts; worship him for there is no other Link to Belgic Confession Article 9 Heresies…