Theme: The LORD’s verdict is the most important; honour him above all In the course of time, David defeated the Philistines and subdued them...David also defeated the Moabites...Moreover, David defeated…
Theme: The LORD’s true king is wise and concerned for his people; trust him he knows what's best for you
Theme: The LORD's true king is perfectly obedient; don't make excuses for your sin
Theme: The LORD will always be the King of his people; serve him and obey his voice
Theme: The LORD is King, he rules over all; serve him with joy and thanksgiving
Theme: The LORD gives good gifts to his people, trust him with your future
Theme: The LORD is King, he is good for his people; trust him and seek his kingdom
Theme: The LORD is the help and shield of his people, trust him and seek his kingdom “The adversaries of the LORD shall be broken to pieces; against them he…
Theme: The LORD is holy, there is no one like him; honour him and submit to his will When the camp is to set out, Aaron and his sons shall…