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Welcome (3) – Page 44 – Reformed Church Tshwane

Welcome to Reformed Church Tshwane

Reformed Church Tshwane is a Christ-centered, Bible-teaching, Reformed church in Pretoria. We are made up of a wide range of people who have in common that we love, trust and serve Jesus Christ, and through him know God as our Father. Please browse our site to find out more about us. 

Our most recent sermons

The judgement of history

March 12, 2023
Theme: The LORD’s verdict is the most important; honour him above all In the course of time, David defeated the Philistines and subdued them...David also defeated the Moabites...Moreover, David defeated…

Rash oaths from Saul

March 5, 2023
Theme: The LORD’s true king is wise and concerned for his people; trust him he knows what's best for you

Sundays at Reformed Church Tshwane

Our Sunday Services are at 10:30am, with tea and coffee served afterwards. We usually finish between 11:30 and 11:45. We meet in the church hall on the premises of GK Rietvallei, 359 Umgeni Street.

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