Recent sermons
Theme: God is Sovereign - Lord above all earthly kings and in full control of history - and God is with His people, ultimately to deliver them for His own…
Theme: Because of Christ your Father will most certainly hear and receive your prayers Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 45 The LORD is far from the wicked, but he hears the…
Theme: God's sovereignty in judgement is a comfort for the suffering saints
Theme: Jesus Christ is ruling from God’s right hand; trust him to build his church and depend on him in prayer *Click on the download button (cloud with an arrow)…
Theme: Jesus Christ is building his church; trust the work of the Spirit, serve in your new family Antioch Antioch on the Orontes was a Hellenistic Greek city founded by…
*Click on the download button to access the audio file* Theme: God has no favourites; Christ's church is open to all who believe Roots of Jewish Enmity Towards Gentiles Alexander…
Theme: God has no favourites; Christ's church is open to all who believe Memorial offering (Acts 10:4; cf. Leviticus 2:1-16) One portion of the grain offering was burnt on the…
Theme: Jesus Christ is building his catholic church; the inclusion of Gentiles is his idea Lydda is known as 'Lod' in the Old Testament (cf. 1 Chronicles 8:12). Its strategic position…
Theme: Jesus Christ is building his catholic church; his kingdom is unstoppable I did not go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was, but I…
Theme: Jesus Christ is building his catholic church; receive enemies as brothers Why was Saul struck blind? The blindness of Saul was most likely a form of judgement (cf. Acts…