Theme: God's sovereignty in judgement is a comfort for the suffering saints
Title: God’s Sovereignty in our salvation Key themes: 1. The problem of pride 2. God’s Sovereignty in our Salvation 3. Our proper response of praise, for God’s glory “It is…
Sermon title: Jesus Christ delivers us from death. Nikolas Haus is a proponent/licentiate in the Grace Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. Key themes: Jesus Christ delivers us from our idols Jesus…
Title: Christ's kingdom will last forever Nikolas Haus is a proponent/licentiate in the Grace Presbyterian Church of New Zealand.
Theme: God is faithful to provide for his children in exile; trust Christ to make you holy Nikolas Haus is a proponent/licentiate in the Grace Presbyterian Church of New Zealand.…
Nikolas Haus is a proponent/licentiate in the Grace Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. Acts 13:30-33 But God raised him from the dead, and for many days he appeared to those who…