Recent sermons

Theme: United to Christ, the flesh is crucified so that we may walk by the Spirit Canons of Dort 3/4 Article 11: How God brings about conversion God carries out…

Freed for loving service

January 7, 2024
Theme: Freed by Christ for loving service in the power of the Spirit What is God's law now? It is not above a Christian - it is under a…

Prayerful perseverance

December 31, 2023
Theme: Jesus Christ will return to bring justice; pray to the Father whilst you wait “You shall not pervert the justice due to the sojourner or to the fatherless, or…
Theme: Jesus of Nazareth is the long awaited Christ who brings salvation; do not waver in your commitment to him Why was Jesus circumcised? Jesus is circumcised because he was…
Nikolas Haus is a proponent/licentiate in the Grace Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. Acts 13:30-33 But God raised him from the dead, and for many days he appeared to those who…
Theme: Made righteous through faith in Christ the Christian pursues works of love Why does Paul call for the Judaizers to be emasculated? Paul's words appear to be rather crude…
Theme: Redeemed by Jesus and adopted as sons we are children of promise; do not submit to a yoke of slavery The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your…
Theme: Through faith in Christ we are brothers and heirs; live in the freedom that Jesus has secured What do elementary things refer to? Most likely, 'elementary things' refers to…

Sons and heirs

November 5, 2023
Theme: The Son shares his inheritance with all those who trust in him; pursue the unity that he has won What do elementary things refer to? Most likely, 'elementary things'…

Abraham, Moses and Christ

October 29, 2023
Theme: Jesus Christ brings God’s promised inheritance to all who believe; don’t go back to old covenant law Isn’t seed normally plural? The Hebrew word for seed is a collective…