Theme: The Holy Spirit is true and eternal God, worship him and do what he says Belgic Confession Article 11 Biblical evidence for the deity of the Holy Spirit Divine…
Theme: Jesus Christ has reconciled us to God in one body through the cross; listen to his words, love his people On the day called Sunday there is a gathering…
Theme: Jesus of Nazareth is Christ and Lord; repent and be baptised
Theme: Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ of God, submit to him for he is Lord
Theme: Jesus Christ has sent the Spirit to be with his church, rejoice in his presence and keep in step with his ways
Theme: Jesus Christ is Lord; trust the word of his apostles and rejoice that you belong to his people
Theme: God chose us in Christ to be holy and blameless before him The Bible is very clear that it is God's decision to choose to save a certain people…