Theme: Jesus Christ has triumphed over Satan; be strong in the Lord and the strength of his might There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse...with righteousness…
Theme: The Son has disarmed Satan's power and authority; do not be deceived by the lies of the Devil Belgic Confession Article 12 He also created the angels good, to…
Theme: Created male and female, men and women are to be partners in service to Christ Correction/Clarification: During the sermon mention is made of how in marriage, men tend to…
Theme: God gives new life to dead people so that we can truly believe in him and live for him What exactly must happen in a person's life for them…
Theme: God chose us in Christ to be holy and blameless before him The Bible is very clear that it is God's decision to choose to save a certain people…
Theme: Jesus Christ calls office bearers to care for his sheep; listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd
Belgic Confession Article 27 - The Holy Catholic Church: We believe and confess One single catholic or universal church— a holy congregation and gathering of true Christian believers, awaiting their…