Theme: The LORD is righteous and he keeps his church; pray for the coming of his kingdom And behold, Boaz came from Bethlehem. And he said to the reapers, “The…
Theme: Christ has earned the blessings of God for all his people; fear the LORD and walk in his ways The content and themes of the Songs of Ascents focused…
Theme: Christ is building his church; live in dependence on him The Hebrew word translated as vain in Psalm 127 is different from the vanity of Ecclesiastes. It appears to…
Nikolas Haus is a proponent/licentiate in the Grace Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. Acts 13:30-33 But God raised him from the dead, and for many days he appeared to those who…
Theme: God has called us out of darkness to be part of his family, praise God with holy reverence
Theme: The LORD is good and just, he teaches sinners the way they should go Psalm 25: The A-Z for 2022? What do you need for 2022? There are many…
Theme: God judges with righteousness to stop and punish evil, pray and leave vengeance in God’s hands
Theme: The LORD, Creator of heaven and earth, watches over us; let us therefore put our trust in Him.